European Classic Car Meet July 21, Stanley Park in Calgary
Greetings fellow enthusiasts,
You and your club members are cordially invited to participate in our annual European Classic Car Meet to be held in Calgary, on July 21st 2018.
This annual event has run successfully for the past 27 years and we are still striving to make each successive year’s event bigger and better than the last.
Last year we had a collection of over 300 European cars and the show was one of the best attended we have ever held.
We are working on making this a premier event with the hope of drawing new friends from outside Alberta. Please assist us by participating and making this one of your club’s feature tours. We promise you an exciting and enjoyable event in post Stampede Calgary.
We look forward to meeting you on July 21st
Steve Crosby
VSCCC President
Show is from 11AM to 4PM at Stanley Park, Calgary AB. Registration opens at 8AM.